Hi, I am Tadeáš
I build data pipelines and web applications.

About me

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I am a data engineer with skills in both back-end and front-end web development. I have experience with building data pipelines, designing and deploying infrastructure on cloud as well as on traditional servers. Also, I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with junior developers.

I am a self-taught developer and I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn new technologies. I am currently working as a data engineer at Daytrip but, if your mission aims beyond just making money, I would love to hear from you.

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A FastAPI wrapper for the aiograpi Instagram API client. This project showcases advanced backend development skills and API integration.

  • Secure session management and password hashing
  • Proxy rotation system using an army of Squid proxies
  • Endpoints for login, logout, profile stats, and highlight media
  • Sentry integration for error reporting
  • Scalable architecture suitable for high-traffic applications
Source Code

Cross-Platform Chat Viewer

A versatile chat viewer for Meta data, available on multiple platforms. Developed using various technologies to ensure wide compatibility and optimal performance.

  • Web + Mac app using Tauri (React + Rust)
  • Flutter version for iOS, Android, and Windows
  • MongoDB + Node Express backend
  • React frontend styled with Tailwind and ShadcnUI
  • MobX for state management
  • Features: Fast smooth scroll, fulltext search, photo search, keyboard shortcuts
Tauri Version Flutter Version


žižCON is non-profit board game con hosted inside a husite church in Prague. The place and mission are awesome. So I created this awesome website to represent.

  • React styled with Chakra UI
  • MobX handling states
  • Strapi CMS for content management
  • Stripe handling payments
  • FastAPI users backend authorization
  • Email verification, forgotten password flow
  • Login - FastAPI -> Stripe -> ticket?
  • If ticket -> activity registration via Stripe!
See Live
